On God And Intuition

A new and inspiring project has found a home and voice in my heart, and I'm excited to share it with you, particularly because I think you might be as fascinated as I am with this idea! For the next year I will be diving deep into an exploration of INTUITION.

Since I was a child I've been keenly aware of the subtle spiritual world within me, which includes my intuition. It has guided me, expanded me, inspired me and challenged me. It has connected ideas and people, inspired paintings, writings and projects, and informed me about myself, others and creation in revelatory and sublime ways. To me, exploring intuition is about something bigger than the intuitions themselves. To me, intuition is a kind of secret doorway into the most essential space within us... our heart... our sense of meaning... our origin.. spirit.

And so, with the guidance of my intuition, which has already laid out a fairly comprehensive plan for the project on my behalf, I am saying YES and acting on it! (we'll talk a bunch about acting on our intuition later in the project)

Over the next year I'll be connecting with a wide variety of people to talk about intuition. I am fortunate enough to know a village worth of people who strive to live intuitively, so I won't have to look far. I also want to hear from you!... regardless of how intuitive you think you are or aren't. So I hope you will join me, chime in, ask questions, or just send your support. I think we are all going to learn a lot here together.

This morning I excitedly sat down for my first conversation about intuition with one of my best girls, Lindsey Holmstrom. Lindsey is a particularly gorgeous woman living right here in Thunder Bay, that I have know since I was about seven. Beyond being a soul-sister of mine who I could gush about for hours, Lindsey is a gifted Birthing From Within Mentor and Birth Doula. Essentially, Lindsey connects intuition and pregnancy, birthing, and parenting for that matter.

Here is my favourite clip from that conversation... it gave me goosebumps as she was saying it, and I knew it had to be shared.

To find out more about Lindsey, her intuitive birth preparation classes, and how you might work with her, check out her website at www.lindseyholmstrom.com

And to stay tuned to the intuitive project as it unfolds, be sure to subscribe to my blog to have intuitive wisdom drop right into your inbox. 





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