On Emotional Intelligence and Intuition

I had the joy and honour of spending this afternoon with Ojibwe Lodge Keeper, Standing Strong, also known as Cindy Crowe, to listen to her experience and wisdom around intuition.

It is already becoming apparent, only a few official conversations in to this intuitive journey, that there are common truths about our relationships with our intuition. And yet the subtly different ways in which we describe our sense of it, can be fascinating, illuminating and evocative. Several times during our conversation I could feel my own heart coming more alive... coming to realize itself a little more... seeing and hearing a new way of understanding myself, who I am, and what it all means.


I knew it was going to be a powerful conversation when, before I had my microphone set up or my computer opened, Cindy began sharing, what ironically I sense intuitively, was going to be the soundclip to share with you!

And so here it is... a gem from Cindy on the connection between our emotions and our intuition.

To find out more about Cindy Crowe, Blue Sky Community Healing Lodge, and how you might connect with the Lodge, check out her website at www.blueskycommunityhealingcentre.ca

And to stay tuned to the intuitive project as it unfolds, be sure to subscribe to my blog to have intuitive wisdom drop right into your inbox. 


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